# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 880171 10000 950000 35852 18:43:34.05 69:03:52.2 18:48:33.74 68:49:28.6 E box 677097 546700 662398 546988 18:25:49.57 65:32:02.1 18:24:51.39 65:32:13.9 E box 88157 559254 88757 546870 16:55:44.29 65:12:44.3 16:55:41.73 65:17:48.8 O box 876891 10000 950000 31865 18:43:19.12 69:04:02.3 18:48:36.38 68:51:05.7 O cir 493231 720856 16509 18:13:37.67 64:22:52.1 415.5 O cir 833099 548237 10356 18:36:04.01 65:26:39.3 260.7 O cir 677600 546928 9342 18:25:51.51 65:31:55.8 235.1