# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 269333 633055 281368 633130 08:35:52.45 64:30:13.3 08:36:38.25 64:30:27.0 O box 875969 10000 950000 37617 17:41:40.79 74:47:35.9 17:48:36.52 74:30:29.6 O cir 67116 890780 19866 16:28:06.11 68:52:41.4 500.0 O box 452008 280974 440261 281248 16:57:18.22 73:12:25.2 16:56:11.56 73:12:17.5 O box 884902 10000 950000 30019 16:34:38.52 74:38:01.3 16:40:47.88 74:24:53.1 E box 883347 10000 950000 27621 09:19:31.84 68:38:15.0 09:24:17.88 68:27:32.2 E box 602157 150486 613904 150847 08:58:04.01 67:49:40.3 08:58:54.94 67:49:21.0 O box 896764 738260 909026 738835 19:48:21.68 70:08:38.1 19:49:19.74 70:07:38.6 O box 883452 10000 950000 29820 09:19:32.31 68:38:14.7 09:24:16.51 68:26:38.6 O box 716755 216543 729539 215947 09:06:01.85 67:20:16.1 09:06:56.29 67:20:09.5 O box 764441 743853 776383 744102 09:06:50.03 63:43:14.1 09:07:34.08 63:42:47.5 O box 269367 632748 279001 632645 08:35:52.51 64:30:20.9 08:36:29.15 64:30:36.0 O box 188739 508328 199852 508493 08:30:09.95 65:19:05.9 08:30:53.51 65:19:22.5 O box 409738 287957 421153 288360 08:44:20.21 66:53:48.8 08:45:07.94 66:53:44.2 O box 528620 595622 536167 595441 08:52:22.47 64:47:51.2 08:52:51.54 64:47:53.4 O box 454804 506804 447959 506867 16:45:18.86 77:36:11.8 16:44:26.58 77:36:09.2 O box 557678 486083 563551 486023 16:58:32.17 77:43:42.3 16:59:17.44 77:43:36.0 O box 618854 828231 618789 833846 17:03:14.56 75:22:05.4 17:03:11.55 75:19:47.7